Saturday, February 13, 2021, 18:30 EET (GMT +02:00)


Director: Nora Mansmann / Germany

Actor: Monica Ardeleanu

Episode: Day 6, Story 3

about the Director

Nora Mansmann

Nora Mansmann, born 1980, author and theater director, lives in Berlin. She directs at public theaters and in the independent scene, writes theater texts, libretti, children’s plays and occasionally journalistic texts. Since 2015 she has also been working as a trainer and pedagogue.

Nora Mansmann’s theater texts were premiered at Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, at Theater Junge Generation Dresden and at Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, among others.

She has worked as a director at Theater Kiel (I hired a Contract Killer; Tannöd), Theater Aachen (Jugend ohne Gott; Michael Kohlhaas; Clyde & Bonnie) and at Stadtheater Bremerhaven (Amerika). In addition, numerous free projects, open formats, piece developments, such as the music theater parcours Supernova with Make Make Production, the piece development Goldherz with Mareike Mikat at Staatstheater Braunschweig or numerous projects with Drama Köln.

One focus of Nora Mansmann’s theatrical work is on productions, performances and research outside the theater space. International projects took her to Israel, Australia, New York, Ukraine, Italy, Switzerland and Austria.

about the actor

Monica Ardeleanu

Monica Ardeleanu graduated in 2008 the Theatrical Art Department of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Craiova and since 2008, she is part of the troupe of the Craiova National Theatre.

In more than 12 years of her career, she played under the baton of the greatest Romanian directors, such as Silviu Purcărete and Mihai Mănițiu, she collaborated with important artists of the new generation: Bobi Pricop, Andrei Majeri etc. but also starred in productions signed by Robert Wilson (USA), Tim Carroll (UK), Janusz Wiśniewski (Poland), Charles Chemin (France).

Monica Ardeleanu has performed many plays that have been in the programme of many national and international festivals: the International Theatre Festival in Izmir, Turkey; International Shakespeare Theatre Festival in Tel Aviv, Israel; International Theatre Festival “Varna Summer” Bulgaria; Gyula International Shakespeare Festival, Hungary; International Shakespeare Festival in Gdańsk, Poland; European Festival of Performing Arts Timișoara; Sibiu International Theatre Festival, etc.

In the current season she plays in 4 productions:  Operațiunea Marte (Operation Mars) by Alexa Băcanu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru MusoiuAias. Eseu despre demență (Aias. Essay on Dementia) after Sophocles, directed by Mihai Mănițiu, Athens By Night by William Shakespeare, directed by Charles Chemin,  Năpasta (The Trouble) by I.L.Caragiale, directed by Kincses Elemér, the latter being one of the longest-running titles in the repertoire of the National Theatre of Craiova.

Germany artists talk
