Thursday, February 4, 2021, 17:00 EET (GMT +02:00)


Director: Riyadhus Shalihin

Actor: Petronela Zurba

Episode: Day 1, Story 6

about the Director

Riyadhus Shalihin

Riyadhus Shalihin is theatre maker, dramaturg, playwright, born in 1989 in Bandung (Indonesia). He has graduated from the Faculty of Performing Arts, ISBI (Institute Of Art and Culture) Bandung, and a master from the Faculty of Visual Art and Design, ITB (Bandung Institute Of Technology).

Riyadhus is currently pursuing the method of “performative forensics,” a research-based artistic practice using the technique of examining space, memory, and archives, such as animal and plantation/botany research, eviction locations, family photos, ruins of cinemas, bridges rivers, burial complexes, or colonial furniture, as a core for the artistic work.
In 2016, he co-founded Bandung Performing Arts Forum (BPAF) and became a dramaturg and directing since ever. His plays “CUT-OUT” published in the anthology of “New Indonesian Plays” by Aurora Metro Books London (2019), and his video art ‘Unidentified Origin Of The Lightless” it’s a first winner of Bazaar Art Video, Ritz Carlton Jakarta (2017).



Riyadhus Shalihin este creator de teatru, secretar literar, dramaturg, născut în 1989 la Bandung (Indonezia). A absolvit Facultatea de Artele Spectacolului, ISBI (Institutul de Artă și Cultură) Bandung și a obținut un Master la Facultatea de Artă Vizuală și Design, ITB (Institutul de Tehnologie din Bandung).

Riyadhus aplică în prezent metoda „investigației spectacologice”, o practică artistică bazată pe cercetare prin folosirea tehnicii examinării de spații, memorii și arhive, (asemănătoare cercetării în domeniul botanicii și zoologiei) spații evacuate, fotografii de familie, ruinele unor cinematografe, poduri peste râuri, complexe funerare sau mobilier colonial, ca nucleu pentru creația artistică. 

În 2016, a co-fondat Forumul Artelor Spectacolului din Bandung (BPAF) și a devenit secretar literar și regizor de atunci. Piesa sa „CUT-OUT” a fost publicată în antologia „Piese noi indoneziene” de Aurora Metro Books London (2019), iar lucrarea sa de artă video „Originea neidentificată a lipsei luminii” a câștigat premiul întâi la Bazaar Art Video, Ritz Carlton Jakarta (2017).

about the actor

Petronela Zurba

Petronela Zurba graduated from the Art Academy of Iași, Faculty of Composition, Musicology, Music and Theatre Pedagogy – Acting, Puppets and Marionettes Operating, Class Prof. Natalia Dănăilă, Mihaela Arsenescu-Werner, Ion Sapdaru, in 1999.

Before 1999, when the “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre, Craiova, hired her, Petronela worked for two years at the Youth Theatre Piatra Neamț, and then at the “Colibri” Youth and Children Theatre, Craiova.

Her grace and physical versatility have allowed Petronela to approach characters of different ages, and she has charmed children and teenagers, as well as mature audiences. She has embodied characters from both classical and contemporary literature, and has been part in the cast of prize-winning performances within theatre festivals, and in performances admired by audiences of Craiova and not only.


We mention Phaedra after Seneca and Euripides and A Tempest after W. Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete, Gossip Carnival after C. Goldoni, directed by Vlad Mugur, Apocalypse after Shakespeare directed by Janusz Wiśniewski, Only During A Carnival by I.L. Caragiale, Fat Pig by Neil LaBute and Holidays in Guadelupa by P. Sauvil and E. Assous directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, The Jays by Al. Kirițescu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, The Old Man’s Daughter and the Old Woman’s Daughter by B. Ulmu, after Ion Creangă, directed by Raluca Păun, 1,2,3…Bébé by A. Roussin, directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun, Ajax. An Essay on Dementia after Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, Lysistrata by Aristophanes, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, Heart and Other Meet Preparations by Dan Coman, directed by Radu Afrim, Snails’ Saviour by B. C. Drăgan, Farewell, Europe! by I.D.Sîrbu and  Eva Braun’s Revolt by B. C. Drăgan,  directed by Bogdan Cristian Drăgan.

Indonesia artists talk

Riyadhus Shalihin


Agung Eko Sutrisno

Scenographer / Set designer

Indonesian actors and dancers

Ganda Swarna, Anis Harliani, Hilmi Zein and John Heryanto


Bandung Performing Arts Forum