Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 21:00 EET (GMT +02:00)


Director: Adebajo Oluwafemi Israel / Nigeria

Actor: Anca Dinu

Episode: Day 10, Story 7

about the Director

Adebajo Oluwafemi Israel

Adebajo Oluwafemi Israel is a creative artiste, choreographer, theatre director who using his creative intent to explore the art in a beautiful way, through educating and passing informations, using the art as a tool for change and for healing with believe.

He has Worked with different international artists all over the world, just to improve his talent and career.

Adebajo oluwafemi Israel is an energetic, passionate and physically fit confident  créative artiste, festival director, performer (teacher) theatre director who has a successful track record of performance and choreographies.

He also aim to empower the youth in the community, with the knowledge he has acquired through the years of learning in the ART and that gave birth to an initiative “ARTIST CROSSROAD” a platform set to ressuer the youths around the community with our tool ‘ART’, empower them, set workshops and trainings, and a yearly Artistic event for the participants to exhibit what they’ve learn so far.

about the actor

Anca Dinu

Anca Dinu graduated from the Academy of Theatre and Film A.T.F. Bucharest, class Prof. Olga Tudorache in 1992 and became an actress at the Craiova National Theatre in the same year.

She flirted with making movies (The Tent; 1998) and tv (she moderated the shows The Alarm Clock  – TVR Iași and Prichindeliada – TVR Craiova), nevertheless, she has totally offered her talent, emotion and inspiration to the theatre stage.

Throughout her career, Anca Dinu has worked with important Romanian and international directors such as Silviu Purcărete (Phaedra after Euripides and Seneca, Measure for Measure  by W. Shakespeare), Yiannis Paraskevopoulos (Lysistrata by Aristophanes, The Seagull by A.P.Cehov), Janusz Wiśniewski (Apocalypse after Shakespeare), Peter Schneider (HOT L Baltimore  by L. Wilson, Medea  by Euripide), Tim Carroll (Odyssey  by Homer), Vlad Mugur (Right You Are (If You Think You Are)  by L. Pirandello, Servant of Two Masters by C. Goldoni), Mihai Măniuțiu (Ajax. An Essay on Dementia after Sophocles), Bogdan-Cristian Drăgan (Eva Braun’s Revolt by B. C. Drăgan, The Bear by A.P. Chekhov, Hazard’s Waltz by V. Haïm, Farewell, Europe!  by I.D.Sîrbu), as well as with young Romanian directors: Dragoş Alexandru Muşoiu (Spargerea  after R. Petrescu), Andrei Măjeri (Blood Wedding by F.G. Lorca, Catinca Drăgănescu (Photoshop  by C. Drăgănescu), Florin Caracala (White Room by Alexandra Badea) etc.

In an interview in Spectactor magazine (2013), Anca Dinu stated: ”I believe in the power of Theatre to make people look inside themselves in order to discover what is behind their everyday masks, and to try to watch the depths of their inner being.

Nigeria artists talk
