Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 21:00 EET (GMT +02:00)


Director: Mirko Radonjić / Montenegro

Actor: Angel Rababoc

Episode: Day 1. Story 10

about the Director

Mirko Radonjić

Mirko Radonjić is from Podgorica, Montenegro and he graduated Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts Cetinje and Theater directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts Cetinje.

Selected performances: Dog Years by Günter Grass (Studio K Szinhaz, Budapest), Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne (National Theater Subotica, Serbia), Son by Mirjana Medojević  (Royal Theater Zetski Dom, Cetinje, Montenegro), Rooms by Ilija Đurović (Drama studio Prazan prostor, Podgorica), The Homecoming by Harold Pinter (Montenegrin National Theater, Podgorica), Life on Pause (NGO ATAK, National Jail Spuž, Danilovgrad).

He participated and won awards from theater festivals in Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovinia, Bulgaria.

Apart from theater directing, he works as a stage and light designer, and since 2014 works as a lecturer in Drama studio Prazan prostor, leading workshops with youth. 

about the actor

Angel Rababoc

Angel Rababoc graduated from the Institute of Theate and Film Bucharest (UNATC at present), class of Prof. Mircea Albulescu, and since then (1988) he has been part of the ”Marin Sorescu” National Theatre, Craiova, a core member of the team.

Angel’s debut role was in a landmark performance of the Romanian theatre – The Dwarf in the Summer Garden by D.R. Popescu, directed by Silviu Purcarete.

He then performed in the great productions of the Craiova National Theatre, and participated in the most importante theatre festivals worldwide, on tours on 5 continents: Ubu Rex with Scenes from Macbeth after A. Jarry and W. Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcarete (1990), Titus Andronicus by W. Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcarete (1992), Phaedra after Euripides and Seneca, directed by Silviu Purcarete (1993), in which he played Hippolytus etc.

In Vlad Mugur’s productions he was Silvio in Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni (1999), Lady Nenni in It Is So (If You Think So) by L. Pirandello (1999), Arlecchino in The Gossip carnival after C. Goldoni (2000) etc.

He was Marcellus in Tompa Gabor’s Hamlet (1997), Orestes in Oresteia after Aeschylus, directed by Silviu Purcarete (1998), Ventidius in Timon of Athens by W. Shakespeare, directed by Mihai Maniutiu (1998), Alyosha in The Brothers Karamazov by Richard Crane, directed by Faynia Williams (1991), Dobcinski in The Inspector by N.V. Gogol, directed by Claudiu Goga (2001), The Baron in The Night Shelter by Maxim Gorki, directed by Claudiu Goga (2003), Gonzalo din O furtună după W. Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcarete (2012), The Grocer in Rhinoceros by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Robert Wilson (2014).

Recently, Angel Rababoc has worked with Bobi Pricop (Radio by Eric Bogosian), Alexandru Dabija (Good News. Final! by Davide Carnevali), Norbert Boda (Where Is My Soul? after Marin Sorescu), Alexandru Muşoiu ( In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play by Sarah Ruhl) etc.
Invited by Silviu Purcarete he also played, together with Ilie Gheorghe and Valer Dellakeza in Pilafuri şi parfum de măgar, a performance after 1001 Nights, at the “Radu Stanca” Theatre in Sibiu (2001), and, in 2007, he played the role of Prof. Gavrilescu in La ţigănci after Mireca Eliade, directed by Zoran Ţvetcovici, at the Vârşeţ Romanian Theatre in Serbia.

Besides his prolific activity in the theatre, Angel Rababoc has also played in feature films: Acordați circumstanțe atenuante? (1984) directed by Lucian Bratu, Francois Villon, poetul vagabond (1987) directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu, Undeva la Palilula (2012) directed by Silviu Purcarete, Moromeții 2 (2018) directed by Stere Gulea etc.

Montenegro artists talk
