Sunday, January 31, 2021, 21:00 EET (GMT +02:00)

Republic of MOLDOVA

Director: Petru Hadârcă / Republic of Moldova

Actor: Nicolae Poghirc

Episode: Day 3, Story 8

about the Director

Petru Hadârcă

Petru Hadârcă is an actor and director, and he is the general manager of the ”Mihai Eminescu” National Theatre, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

A disciple of ”Boris Șciukin” Theatre Institute at the ”Evghenii Vahtangov” Theatre, Moscow, he has created important roles in theatre, film and television.  

Since 1991, Petru Hadârcă has directed performances of classic and contemporary repertoire  in the Republic of Moldova and in Romania, in Bucharest, Craiova, Iași, Botoșani, Brașov: Conu’ Leonida faţă cu reacţiunea and O noapte furtunoasă by I. L. Caragiale , O afacere sentimentală by C. Magnier, Două săgeţi by Al. Volodin, Noroc şi sănătate, domnule! by P. Chesnot, Puricele în ureche by G. Feydeau,  În Piața Vladimir by L. Razumovskaia etc and he is a producer of radio and tv shows.

He is interested in the theme of memory and history and, in the recent years, he has staged a series of documentary performances for the Radio National Theatre in Bucharest and prepared the scenic version of the performances of Seceta Roșie after Cartea foametei by Larisa Turea (about the famine in the Republic of Moldova in 1946-47) at ”Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre in Iasi, and Dosarele Siberiei (about the victims of communism imprisoned in the GULAG and deported to Siberia), at the ”Mihai Eminescu” National Theatre in Chisinau. 

He has organized theatre and film projects, and the most important is the Chisinau Reunion of National Theatres Festival, initiated in 2014.

about the actor

Nicolae Poghirc

Nicolae Poghirc was born in Baia Mare and spent his childhood in Bârlad. He graduated from “George Enescu” Academy of Arts in Iași, in 1995. During his career, he has performed at “V.I. Popa” Theatre in Bârlad, “Luceafărul” Theatre in Iași, The National Theatre in Timișoara, “Bacovia” Municipal Theatre in Bacău. Since 1998, he has been part of the artistic team of the National Theatre in Craiova.

 He has also been the manager of both “Ariel” Municipal Theatre in Râmnicu Vâłcea and “Alexandru Davila” Theatre in Pitești.

Nicolae Poghirc states that his collaboration with Silviu Purcărete has been by far the most important of his life: “From Silviu Purcărete I’ve learnt the essentials (of theatre).”

He has starred in four plays directed by Purcărete in Craiova: “Ubu rex with scenes from Macbeth” after A. Jarry and W. Shakespeare, “Twelfth Night or What you Will” by W. Shakespeare, “Measure for Measure”, by W. Shakespeare and “A Tempest” by W. Shakespeare.

In Craiova, he has also worked with a number of important Romanian directors: Vlad Mugur (“The Servant of Two Masters” by C. Goldoni, “The Carnival Lanes” by C. Goldoni), László Bocsárdi (“The Playboy of the Western World”, by J.M. Synge, “Caligula”, by A. Camus, “Tot Family”, by István Örkény), Mihai Mănuțiu ( “Timon of Athens”, by W. Shakespeare) , Mircea Cornișteanu (“D’ale carnavalului”, by I.L. Caragiale) , Claudiu Goga ( “The Government Inspector”, by N. Gogol, “Night Asylum”, by M. Gorki) , Alexandru Berceanu (“D’ale Carnavalului, by I.L. Caragiale) etc, but also with several international well-reputed directors: Robert Wilson ( “Rhinoceros”, by Eugene Ionesco), Yiannis Paraskevopoulos ( “Romeo and Juliet”, by W. Shakespeare) , Janusz Wiśniewski (“ The Apocalypse”, after Shakespeare) etc.

He has received multiple awards, such as the “I.D. Sîrbu” Award for theatre, “Mozaic” magazine’s Award (for his role as “Crăcănel” in “D’ale carnavalului”) , the President’s Excellency Award, the UNITEM Awards Gala 2019 etc.

Moldova artists talk

Larisa Turea

Literary secretary

Iurie Matei


Ghenadie Galca
